Hello, my name is Ulfah Hasanah, I want to talk about Indonesia, my lovely country. All of us know that Indonesia has so many islands. Indonesia is a big country with high population.

Indonesia got its freedom on August 17th, 1945 after dominated for more than three centuries. Indonesia’s first president is Ir. Soekarno, the most influential one in Indonesia.

Indonesia is one of developing country in the world. And one of my ambitions is always make Indonesia as a developing country. Why is it become one of my ambitions? Because I wanna see Indonesian people become more prosperous. No unemployed, no poverty, and no debt that is made by Indonesia. The education in Indonesia will progress and Indonesian people will have the big influence in the world. Many inventions will be invented in Indonesia, and actually it will benefit for everyone around the world.

How to make Indonesia become the developed country? What are the steps? I think the first step that we must give attention is the education in Indonesia. Why do the education become the first thing? Because I think all things that happen in our life is beginning from education. We learn, and we can. If th education in Indonesia is good, so the people’s life will progress and also good. We will work with our brain, not our muscle.

After that, with high education, Indonesian people will build the high technology. For example in agriculture sector, we can expand hydroponic technology, aeroponic technology, greenhouse technology, etc. And that technology we operate well. We don’t have to afraid with bad weather or everything. Our product will be exported and it will increase our foreign exchange.

Beside that, one of many steps that we can do as a student is make everlasting our culture. Our culture is a very valuable thing for Indonesia. We can present our culture, many tourists will come to Indonesia, and it will give foreign exchange for us. So, let’s love and everlasting our culture from NOW!

I think it is enough from me. I hope we can give more attention to Indonesia. This is just some steps to make Indonesia more develop. A part from that, there so many the other things that can we do. I believe one day Indonesia will become developed country. So, let’s do it! (to make Indonesia become developed country! :). Thank you.


  1. hahaha, ini kayany bahasa inggrisny perlu d perbaiki, mohon d bantu yaaah :D :D

  2. hhehe, ngak kok, spellingnya tuh udah bagus :D

  3. ini essay buat ke sman 3 bukan? udah bagus kok grammarnya kalo kata aku mah. ayo semangat!!

  4. ayeee, ahay, terimakasih (wakakak, kalian ga nyadar ada yg salah, ak benerin dl aah, hihihi)


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